Reduce the load. Increase the alignment. Win the business! My name is Mary-Anne Webber. I founded DynamicProposalsNZ to help businesses develop better business proposals for a fraction of the traditional time and cost. My copyrighted methodology, DynamicProposals DynamicWin©, is based on years of experience and study. I built my methodology using academic educational psychologist John Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory.

My build on his theory for a tender or bid is that:

  • The more we overload the buyer with the wrong or poorly constructed information, and
  • The harder we make them work to understand and support our proposal,  then
  • The less likely we are to win the business.


  • The easier we make it for the buyer to understand the proposal, and
  • The more we support the buyer with information that aligns with the way they think or how “right” it feels to them, then
  • The more likely we are to win the business.

DynamicProposals DynamicWin© Methodology

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Intrinsic load

The complexity of the subject matter. The mental effort required to understand your proposal.

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Extraneous load

How much unnecessary and distracting information is included in your proposal.

Reduce the load
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Germane load

How aligned your proposal is with the current knowledge and attitude of the buyer – how “right” it feels to them.

Increase the alignment

Win the business

I have trained with big bid-writing companies and have seen my theory in action so many times in my career and through the businesses I support. I have used my experience, training, and research to develop a process for you to improve your RFP responses, which will help you reduce the load on the buyer, align with the buyer, and win the business

In summary, reduce the load, increase the alignment and win the business!

Please check out our free resources, or our services to find out more.


Marry Anne Headshot

If you don’t respond to tenders or RFPs often, are running short on time, or just don’t like writing that much, we are here to help.

Tip Time

Reduce the load. Increase the alignment. Win the business.